


in fact

in reality

as a matter of fact

as the case stands

in nature


  • 最近因为没写英语补充习题(实际上我是不会写才空着。。)结果班主任说抄50遍补充习题(不止我一个人),限期5天(从星期一开始)不过我实在没时间抄啊,现在才抄了15遍,我都想跳楼了,恨死班主任了,怎么办啊,鸭梨山大,又不敢举报。求指导,我们那些罚抄的都想举报了,我该咋办。
  • 跳楼绝对不是明智的选择,要么都抄,要么X都不抄。


  • “我本来在1999年是有机会到美国学习的”翻译成英语(本来有机会,实际上非主观故意没去学习)
  • 这个可以尝试一下虚拟语气:我本来在1999年是有机会到美国学习的 I would have been to the U.S.A. to study in 1999.


  • 英语选择题的8-10题(实际上就三题)
  • 3. rarther 因为只有它可以用来修饰比较级better.8. which 与what的区别是当有选择范围给你的时候应该用which,否则用what10. In my opinion,all Mrs Bachman does does do good to her students in her class at present.She is very strict in their study. 第一个does 是和Mrs Bachman连在一起构成定于从句修饰aii 指Mrs Bachman所做的一切。然后把Mrs Bachman does 去掉剩下In my opinion,all does do good to her students in her 袱弧递旧郛搅店些锭氓class at present.She is very strict in their study一个简单句。这里的does 是强调谓语动词do的作用,因为aii作主语指物所以要用does 而不是do。如he goes to school every day.他每天上学。he does go to school every day. 他的确每天上学。剩下的do 与good to 构成短语 do good to表示对。。。有好处。


  • 表示“事实上,实际上”的英语短语有哪些
  • in fact


  • “人们经常抱怨天气不好,实际上并不是天气不好。只要自己有乐观自信的心情,天天都是好天气。的英语怎么写
  • "People often complain about the bad weather, but the weather is not good. As long as you are optimistic and self-confident heart, every day is a good weather.


  • 英语选择题的8-10题(实际上就三题)
  • 3. rarther 因为只有它可以用来修饰比较级better.8. which 与what的区别是当有选择范围给你的时候应该用which,否则用what10. In my opinion,all Mrs Bachman does does do good to her students in her class at present.She is very strict in their study. 第一个does 是和Mrs Bachman连在一起构成定于从句修饰aii 指Mrs Bachman所做的一切。然后把Mrs Bachman does 去掉剩下In my opinion,all does do good to her students in her 袱弧递旧郛搅店些锭氓class at present.She is very strict in their study一个简单句。这里的does 是强调谓语动词do的作用,因为aii作主语指物所以要用does 而不是do。如he goes to school every day.他每天上学。he does go to school every day. 他的确每天上学。剩下的do 与good to 构成短语 do good to表示对。。。有好处。