



Thanks. 谢谢。

I really appreciate it. 我很感谢。


You’re one in a million. 你真是大好人。

You’re the greatest. 你最棒了。

对于酒店的体贴深表感谢 英语怎么说

  • Im so grateful to your hotel for youX愤盒莅谷缝贪俯楷r considerateness!

任意一题皆可 万分感谢 英语作业

  • 15题,填water


  • 如图,请指出所有不足之处,非常感谢!
  • 整体没多大问题。有一些小问题第一段的opinion on,on改成of,以下是我对这一现象的看法。“choose to overwork”你用了两遍。推荐一些词组be tempted to do sth,intend to do sth还有they have few money,few是形容可数名词,应该改成little money。最后是for survive,survive是动词,改成survival满意请采纳哦


  • 第一道spring summer autumn winter


  • B A B绝对正确


  • Normal people scare me。是正常人使我害怕的意思,还是正常人请吓我的意思。
  • 是让我害怕的意思。


  • 在动画电影中,分镜头则是奠定一部作品优劣的关键,一千个人心中有一千个哈姆雷特,同一个剧本,不同的导演画出的分镜也大不相同。动画电影与普通影视作品有许多共同性,但是动画拥有更丰富的可塑造空间,和更灵活的布局和形式。因此,在动画电影中,蒙太奇运用更加广泛和突出!在我的作品中,想把电影镜头直接运用到动画当中,探索交叉蒙太奇在动画分镜中的应用。并通过这种方式,提高作者对影片掌控全局的能力,从动画片的内容和形式上进行突破,推动动画产业的健康快速发展。 我的毕设作品的与众不同之处就是把已经存在的影视作品融入到毕业动画创作中去,所以如何合理的使用交叉蒙太奇,令故事衔接更加流畅,突出主人公内心情绪,唤起观众的共鸣,加强情节发展是我研究方向的关键。利用交叉蒙太奇,做到故事情节发展的一致、人物心理的一致、故事氛围的一致,是我创作这部作品的目标。为在这次动画创作中我担当创作分镜头这一职责,在熟读剧本的基础上,画出故事的情节发展,让故事清晰流畅的表现出来,让迹穿管费攮渡归杀害辑动画作品和已有的影视画面结合是我创作的难点,首先需要根据动画情节找到相应的影视片段,在根据选好的影视画面对分镜头进行具体的修改,做到场景、人物心理、光影效果、色调冷暖的一致性,使动画作品与影视作品完美衔接。为动画创作查找大量分镜头、影视剪辑文献,观看国内外优秀影视作品。深入研究蒙太奇理论,逐步丰富自己的理论知识,熟练使用交叉蒙太奇并通过实际动画创作来提高和升华自己的专业水平。关键词:交叉蒙太奇器,分镜头,电影镜头,画面结合问题补充: 请不要用翻译软件直接翻译,因为有的词不对,谢谢
  • In the animated film, lens is a key work to lay the merits of the one thousand person in the heart, there are one thousand Hamlett, with a screenplay, different directors to draw pointsare not the same. Animation film and ordinary film and television works have a lot in common,but the animation has more abundant may shape space, and more flexible layout and form.Therefore, in the animated film, montage more widely used and outstanding! In my works,want to take the movie camera directly applied to animation, to explore the application of cross montage in the animation storyboard in. And through this way, improve the ability of the authorof the film control, makes a breakthrough from the content and form of animation, animationindustry to promote the healthy and rapid development.My complete set works out of the ordinary is to already existing film and television works into the graduation in animation creation to go, so how to reasonable use of cross montage, make the story link more fluent, highlight the protagonists inner emotion, a迹穿管费攮渡归杀害辑rouse the sympathy of the audience, the strengthening of the plot development is the key to my research direction.The use of cross montage, do psychological consistency, characters of the development of the plot of the story is consistent, atmosphere is favorable, I wrote this novel target.In the animation creation lens I bear this responsibility, based on reading the script, draw the plot development, make the story clear and smoo……余下全文


  • 一、我觉得你们的卡片做得非常好,很有特点,我非常希望能得到几张。二、我对大连尔滨(Dal碃矗百匪知睹版色保姬ianAerbin)并不是很了解,前段时间看到新闻,董学升即将离开,X广州恒大(Guangzhou Evergrande),真是遗憾,祝他好运。三、在中国近现代有位思想家叫胡适,他曾留学美国,并在1938年到1942年期间担任中国驻美大使。我上次给您寄的明信片上的人物就是他。
  • 参考译文:一、Your postcards impressed me with unique features,they are very good and I want some of them very much.二、I dont know much about Dalian Aerbin until 碃矗百匪知睹版色保姬read the reports days ago,who is leaving for Guangzhou Evergrande,what a pity but good luck for him anyway.三、There has a great thinker named Hushi who used to study in the United States in the modern time of China ,and he served as Chinese ambassador to the US during the period of 1938 to 1942,the man on the postcard is just him last time I sent to you. PS:新的一年,祝你万事如意!你总是那么客气,字里行间透露出儒雅之气。


  • 1、试验箱温度为35±2℃。2、试验介质5±0.5%NaCl水溶液PH6.5~7.2,试验压力为70KPa~170KPa之间。3、盐雾沉降为1~2毫升80cm2.小时。该产品经过磷化后,符合GBT10125-2012,《人造气氛腐蚀试验 盐雾试验》标准验收要求。符合:磷化外观质量验收技术要求中性盐雾试验24小时怠供糙佳孬簧茬伪长镰无红锈,灰色腐蚀产物不超过总面积的3%;大于2um,最低厚度2um
  • 1, test cham怠供糙佳孬簧茬伪长镰ber temperature of 35 plus or minus 2 deg..2, the test medium 5 + 0.5%NaCl aqueous solution of PH6.5~7.2, the test pressure is between 70KPa~170KPa.3, salt spray deposition of 1~2 ml 80cm2. hours.This product after phosphating, conforms to the GBT10125-2012, "artificialatmosphere corrosion test in salt spray test" standard approval requirements.Comply with the requirements of quality acceptance technology of phosphatingappearance:Neutral salt spray test for 24 hours without red rust, grey corrosion products does not exceed 3% of the total area of more than 2um, the minimum thickness of 2um.望采纳,谢谢。


  • Like Super, Tiedema肌肠岗课瞢酒哥旬工莫n conceptualized a model that explored the career process within a developmental framework.
  • 像超级,蒂德曼概念模型探讨了职业过程在发展的框架。