



Thanks. 谢谢。

I really appreciate it. 我很感谢。


You’re one in a million. 你真是大好人。

You’re the greatest. 你最棒了。


  • 测试Windows 8.1针对与家庭结合的应用,并编写家庭使用场景,最后将应用安装在联通营业厅用于产品演示
  • 有关2009年3月26日发出的(暂准离婚)判令,而该判令订明,除非有关人等在本判令发出的6个星期内能向法院提供证据,证明本判令不应转为绝对判令,否则,在2006年7月25日在香港大会堂婚姻注册处举行的婚礼应予解除。由於有关人等未能提出证据,故现判定,该(暂准离婚)判令在2009年5月13日转为绝对判令,而有关婚姻宣告解除。


  • the idea of a book was sold to the band on our previous work.
  • 在我们之前的工作中,书的灵感卖给了乐队。

英语语法的3个问题 大师专家帮忙看下 非常感谢

  • 1.The history of clinical nutrition or the study of the relationship between health and how the body takes in and utilizes food substances, can be divided into four distinct eras how引导的是什么从句?
  • 这里的how引导主语从句,给你几个例子你应该就会更了解how了How 可引导如下从句:1.主语从句--How he come here is a mystery.2.宾语从句--I dont know how we can get there so soon.3.表语从句--It was how we learned so much in so short a period.4.状语从句--No matter how he begged , the boss didnt care.


  • 在上次会议中没有得到解决的问题,这次会议中也不可能解决的,所以我觉得没必要再开一次会了。
  • The questions that were not solved in the last conference will not be solved in this one either; therefore, I dont think there is a need to start a new conference.

求助 英语翻译 汉译英五句 非常感谢!

  • 1.现在我的电脑桌面是你的照片。2.我喜欢看足球直播。对于韩国足球,我觉得朴智星(Park Ji-Sung)是一名非常好的球员,而且他非常的勤奋。3.我只是在网络看了你的一些视频、图片而已。4.我现在的梦想是成为一名演员。5.我很少看韩剧,相比起来我比较喜欢看古装剧,不过历史剧热度并不是很高,倒是穿越剧比较热播。
  • Now my computer desktop is a picture ofI like to watch live football. For the South Korean football, I think Park Ji-Sung is a very good player, but he is very diligent.I just watched network in some of your video, pictures.Now my dream is to become an actor.I seldom watch Korean dramas, compared with I like to read the ancient costume drama, but the historical drama the heat is not high, but compared to wear the Shaoxìng opera hit.


  • 一、我觉得她非常特别,与众不同。二、你注册了微博,不过之前我看到你已有段时间没有更新,还好后来你又更新了。三、我在2007年就看过SHE的演唱视频,那首歌是《中国话》,但直到不久前才开始略微关注他们。四、在你的博客上看了部分文章,不过我中文非常不好,借助网络翻译略微了解了大意。你的文章也发表在了报纸上。但我希望可以看到结集出书,我觉得某种程度上,网络和报纸都比不X籍这种载体。五、2010年4月,SHE参加了《康熙来了》的节目录制。 康熙来了:Kangsi Coming六、中国队方面认为日本队的打法风格与巴西队相似。七、我衷心祝愿中国队在友谊赛以及各项国际赛事中能有优异的战绩。================================看了你的翻译,非常不错,希望你能帮我翻译下。另外衷心祝愿浏览怠攻壁煌撰号辩铜菠扩或回答本题的百度用户圣诞快乐。
  • 您好,很高兴能为您解答,关于这个问题,我为您做了以下的解答:1.I think she is very special, different from others.(我觉得她非常特别,与众不同。)2.Before you register for weibo, but I see you has time didnt update, ok you update again later. (你注册了微博,不过之前我看到你已有段时间没有更新,还好后来你又更新了。)3.I have read in 2007, SHEs singing video, the song is "Chinese", but until recently started a bit concerned about them.(我在2007年就看过SHE的演唱视频,那首歌是《中国话》,但直到不久前才开始略微关注他们。)4.Watched some articles on your blog, but my Chinese is very bad, with the help of online translation to understand the careless slightly. Your article is published in the newspaper. But I hope I can see collected books, and I think to怠攻壁煌撰号辩铜菠扩 some extent, the carrier network and newspaper than books.(在你的博客上看了部分文章,不过我中文非常不好,借助网络翻译略微了解了大意。你的文章也发表在了报纸上。但我希望可以看到结集出书,我觉得某种程度上,网络和报纸都比不X籍这种载体。)5.In April 2010, SHE took part in the program recording "kangxi come".(2010年4月,SHE参加了《康熙来了》的节目录制。)6.Chinese think the Japanese style is similar to Brazil.(中国队方面认为日本队的打法风格与巴西队相似。)7.I wish the Chinese team in a friendly and various international events can have the excellent record.(我衷心祝愿中国队在友谊赛以及各项国际赛事中能有优异的战绩。)望采纳!来问吧知道团队随时问您解答!最后祝平安夜快乐~


  • 一、我觉得你们的卡片做得非常好,很有特点,我非常希望能得到几张。二、我对大连尔滨(Dal碃矗百匪知睹版色保姬ianAerbin)并不是很了解,前段时间看到新闻,董学升即将离开,X广州恒大(Guangzhou Evergrande),真是遗憾,祝他好运。三、在中国近现代有位思想家叫胡适,他曾留学美国,并在1938年到1942年期间担任中国驻美大使。我上次给您寄的明信片上的人物就是他。
  • 参考译文:一、Your postcards impressed me with unique features,they are very good and I want some of them very much.二、I dont know much about Dalian Aerbin until 碃矗百匪知睹版色保姬read the reports days ago,who is leaving for Guangzhou Evergrande,what a pity but good luck for him anyway.三、There has a great thinker named Hushi who used to study in the United States in the modern time of China ,and he served as Chinese ambassador to the US during the period of 1938 to 1942,the man on the postcard is just him last time I sent to you. PS:新的一年,祝你万事如意!你总是那么客气,字里行间透露出儒雅之气。

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