

  • 问题补充: 学播音主持的,
  • 大家好,我叫 ,我擅长 ,请大家多多支持我


  • 我叫王颢钧,来自山东日照,今年艺考,学的是服装表演,要求100-200字的自我介绍。最好从我的名字入手。
  • My name is …, come from RIzhao, Shandong province. I am one of the cadidates of this school. My major is fashion show. I have learned this for ? years, paticipanted several competitions and gained a lot of prizes, for example, bla,bla,bla… I like the school collegeuniversity because I believe it will provied me more professional knowledge about fashion show , and many pratice oppotunities as well. Thanks.

艺考面试时的自我介绍 急用

  • 麻烦帮我写一篇面试时用的自我介绍。我叫白玉杰,来自安徽,作为志愿者参加过国庆典礼。。
  • 我叫白玉杰,来自安徽, 爸爸妈妈希望我将来可以出人头地,闯出一片属于自己的天地。我从小热爱文学,在文学的旅途中领悟浩瀚文化的精髓,我也热爱音乐,在音乐的殿堂里聆听纷扰背后的灵魂之深。渐渐的,我爱上电影,在它的身上我能看到文学与音乐的升华,感受影片中喜怒哀乐,人情冷暖。在梦想的旅途中,我愿如家乡的黄河之水,向传媒这片广阔的海洋释放自己全部力量。“热情”是家乡赋予我们的特质,带着这份热情,我作为志愿者参加过国庆典礼。我选择了我热爱的传媒专业,去追求自己的梦想。各位评委老师,请给我一个完成梦想的机会,相信我能走得更远。谢谢!


  • 摄影艺考面试自我介绍范文,。
  • 艺考一般简单几句 介绍介绍自己就行啊,考官不会听你太长的自我介绍的。你还是把照片介绍构图看好,把图拍好,最实际。穿着语言一定要要大方得体,一般都行。祝你成功!


  • 我的名字用x代替就好,年龄18 性别女 爱好唱歌跳舞英语,重点渲染一下播音主持就是我的梦想啥的,我的文笔实在不怎么样,拜托各位大神啦!!!
  • Distinguished judges, how are you! Im xx, examinee xx, from xx. First of all, thank you very much, judges, gave me a chance to show themselves platforms, to realize my ideal. I am a cheerful, the hobby widespread girl. Since I have a wish, after be brought up must do an excellent broadcast host, as time goes on, blossom, I also slowly growing up, and that desire is increasingly intense, like farmers with the same, to the broadcast management hoe this one job more fondness. I graduated from XXX university English the broadcast and the management art majors and is currently in the XXXX university studying XXXX degree. Professional knowledge accumulation and multicultural experience gave me the character, in persorality study 12 years, I learn math teaching, and meanwhile continuously from the sea of knowledge is widely draw nutrition, to enrich himself, enhance their abilities, improve their understanding, so as to better grasp the future, to realize my ideal. As with the voice of lithe and graceful singer to express their feelings, just like dancer with lissom dance to interpret their own beliefs, and I will use my voice to deliver me to broadcast hosted ChiAi. I sincerely hope oneself can be a communications messengers, build up a connection between China and the world, TV audience and Bridges, let the communication more smooth, life is full of harmony, I know, the road of success, and not problem-free, although be full of thorns, but I also: the horns, marc……余下全文