跑步时候听得歌曲 那些坚持跑步的在坚持什么歌








最初的梦想 – 范玮琪



生来倔强 这是一首比较励志的歌曲,歌词比较让人振奋人心,歌词里面的内容比较符合我们爱国之人的心情,如果你打开这一首歌做为你热身运动的话,是一个不错的选择。

superstar 也是一首作为能量的歌曲,超级英雄,做为第二首歌是一个不错的选择,激情正在燃烧,耳朵听着X的音乐,让你一路狂奔。

seve 作为一首鬼步舞的音乐怎么能够不参与我们激情满满的正在运动的歌曲当中勒,一想到歌曲中的一律是不是准备要起跳了。

gettin close 这一首歌作为前段时间奔跑在路上的小猪来说也是一段比较火的歌曲,可以让你在快要失去奔跑的路上找到感觉。


不要说话 最后作为比较有感觉的陈奕迅的歌曲,初听不是曲中人,在听以是曲中意。所以可以作为一首歌曲的收尾。




歌手 From ashes to New

歌曲:my name



Almost all my life they told me that I couldn’t,


Dreaming every night, they told me that I shouldn’t,


Told me that I should’ve quit, that I’ll never finish it,“你何须坚持?你将一无所成!”,

That I’ll never reach the top and no one knows that I exist,“你的一生将碌碌无为,你只是茫茫人海中的一粒尘埃罢了”,

But I kept climbing, kept grinding every day,但我拒绝放弃,日日磨炼自我,And I kept writing everything I had to say,用笔墨记录下我内心所想,

Now they wanna shut me up, shut me in, shut me out,如今他们想使我沉默,将我孤立,把我拒之门外,

Yeah, I’d be mad too if someone made me shut my mouth,没错,设身处地,我也有我发言的权利,为何要任由他们摆布?

But it’s different when you never had a voice,但那些“尘埃”们的感受又可曾有人体会过?

When no one ever listened, so you never had a choice,所言被人不屑一顾,因而他们别无选择,

Never had a path, only people in your way,在讥笑的人X中举步维艰,

Never had a mask or a reason to be fake,所言所语皆我真心所想,

All you had was you and a reason to succeed,“赤条条来去无牵挂”,

All you had to do was keep believing in the dream,仅需一颗相信梦想的心,

All you ever knew was being weak and on your knees,所知仅有弱者之挫败与屈辱,

But you’re only gonna lose,若不浴火重生,凤凰涅槃,

if you don’t learn from your defeats,只将堕入失败的无底深渊!

Yeah, gotta make the world know my name,终有一天,吾之名将响彻世界!

I’ve got my head in the clouds, my feet on the ground,理想远大,脚踏实地,

Yeah, I’m standing now and I am not afraid,X,无所畏惧,

With my head in the clouds, never looking down,理想之远大,将不为世事所动摇,

Yeah, I’ll never stop until the world knows my name,在为世人所知前我将永不止步!

I wish I could go back, back when we were kids,回想童年之时是那样美好,

When everything had passion with everything we did,对万事都热情似火,

Everything was honest, everything that we were promised,一切都是那么真实,一切都像许诺的那样美好,

And the thought of what we wanted,那些对未来的渴望与索求,

is what makes it so ironic,才使得它是如此的讽刺啊,

That it’s different than the **** that we were told,现实可不是那些童话故事里的情节,

How the rules were written, how the story really goes,黑暗的规则,残酷的世故才是真正的现实,

Everyone’s your friend, give everyone a chance,“大家和平共处,总会有出人头地的机会”,

So everyone pretends that they really give a damn,事实呢?只是个笑话罢了!

Man, **** that, nothing’s ever what it seems,朋友,醒醒!凡事表象可不代表真实呐,

People stepping over people,有人步步高升,定会有人沦为他的垫脚石,people preying on the weak,弱肉强食!

‘Cause it’s business and we’re feeding the machine,这就是生存的代价,但可又曾有人想过我们也在干着同样的勾当?

Time is money, money’s living,“时间就是金钱,金钱为生存所必要”,

so we live with the disease,因而我们对这病态社会不闻不问,

What happened to the magic?从前的童真在否?

What happened to the thrill?从前的激情在否?

What happened to the passion? The way we used to feel,从前的热情呢?那童年的感觉又去了哪里呢?

All we see is fashion, fame and dollar bills,满眼仅剩庸俗,名气和金钱,

And now I’m looking back, I wish the world I saw was real,回首往事,我多么希望世界能像那时所见一样美好啊,

I’ve got my head in the clouds, my feet on the ground,理想远大,脚踏实地,

Yeah, I’m standing now and I am not afraid,X,无所畏惧,

With my head in the clouds, never looking down,理想之远大,将不为世事所动摇,

Yeah, I’ll never stop until the world knows my name,在为世人所知前我将永不止步!

I woke up one day with the world outside,一天醒来,外面的世界,telling me I should walk away,告诉我:“离去吧,现在还不算太晚”,

But I can’t, I won’t break, that’s how I know it,但我不想听,我会坚持下来的,我知道,

everything will be okay,“一切都会好起来的”,

I woke up one day with the world outside,又一天醒来,外面的社会,

telling me I should walk away,告诉我:“这里不是你应涉足的地方”,

But I can’t, I won’t break, that’s how I know that,但我反对,我将坚持前行,我坚信,

everything will be okay,“一切终将无恙”

